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About Us

La sezione A.R.I. di Venezia (IQ3VE)

Dove Siamo…
La sezione A.R.I. di Venezia si trova nel Sestiere di Santa Croce, all’ anagrafico 1776/B in Calle del Megio, è facilmente raggiungibile con il vaporetto della linea 1, scendendo alla fermata di S.STAE si prosegue sulla SALIZADA S.STAE, percorrendola per un centinaio di metri sulla destra s’imbocca la Calle del Tentor, superato il ponte a destra si entra in Calle del Megio dove si trova la sede.

Il numero di telefono è : +39 041 2747389

A.R.I. Venice location

The A.R.I. of Venice is located in the Sestiere di Santa Croce, at the house number 1776 / B in Calle del Megio, it is easily reachable by the vaporetto of line 1, getting off at the S.STAE stop and continue on the SALIZADA S.STAE, along it for a hundred meters on the right, take Calle del Tentor, after crossing the bridge, turn right and enter Calle del Megio where we are located.


We operate two repeaters both located in Venice: R1 145.625 Mhz (-600) and RU6 430.150 Mhz (+1600) both with CTCSS 94.8 Hz. Our regular meetings take place every Tuesday from 17.30 to 19.00 and in the morning of the second Sunday of every month.

The A.R.I. of Venice issues two beautiful certificates (Serenissima and Venice Island For UNICEF). Have a look at them on our website (see link above). Despite a fall in new members and the strict antenna restrictions we try to keep alive the genuine ham-radio spirit in the City of Venice and in the surrounding islands of the Lagoon.

Our operators are active on SSB, CW, FM, PSK, Packet and the latest technologies like satellite APRS and ATV. A number of members are involved in the Council Civil Protection emergency communications system.

The phone number is: +39 041 2747389